HB Therapy beauty salon in London

Beauty Website for HB Therapy in London

HB Therapy is an award winning beauty salon located in London. Tekcabin was commissioned to update the beauty salons website. The London based beauty salon had some requirements:

They were looking for a web design agency which could build them a professional & beautiful website, to showcase SMG sports marketing services. The beauty website needed to show the products or services that they provide.

The team were incredibly supportive and professional with our website build. Nothing is too much trouble. They try their best to respond to queries on time and are always happy to provide you with helpful advice,

— Yeliz / Owner

Beauty Web Site Designer

The old beauty website was hard to navigate, text on the page had no structure, menus were messy, buttons and links were not clear. One other issue HB Therapy had with their beauty website was clients found it hard to book online.

Tekcabin improved all these issues by focusing on the readability of the new site, improving the new beauty websites background colours, texture and improved contrast. Tekcabin then ensured that the navigation was easy to use on all different types of screens. We also implemented a ‘BOOK NOW’ button on every page of the site allowing clients to make treatment reservations easier.

Tekcabin always builds it clients site within the best practices of search engines and HB Therapy site was no different. The old site did not have any meta descriptions, header tags, ALT tags and had no XML sitemap. The developers at Tekcabin implemented basic but important SEO rules.

By doing an SEO audit on the site, Tekcabin was able to asses what pages and keywords on the site were already ranking. Once we had this information we were able to set up any redirects from the old site URLs to new pages to the new pages. This meant that any old pages which did have a positive ranking in search engines did not loose its position once the new site was live – This is an important factor to consider when updating or changing your website.

Beauty Web Design Agency

Web design objectives

HB Therapy had to previously rely on a developer to update their beauty website. The new beauty salon site has an easy to use content management system which means that any team member at HB therapy can update the site, even if they are not web-savvy.

  • CMS System
  • Easy to navigate.
  • Display all beauty services
  • Large imagery.
  • SEO for local ranking.
  • Responsive for mobile & tablet users.
Beauty Web Design Company

Do you need a beauty website for your business?

Grow your business with Tekcabin beauty website solutions. Tekcabin offers beauty web design at affordable prices. With our transparent pricing model.

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